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  1. Congratulations! You have succeeded in writing an article about ecommerce merchant accounts that is better than most articles on the same subject by the people/ companies that sell merchant accounts! You nailed every point from the different fees involved, to how they are grouped, to the lack of control of the simpler systems, and to the need to be personally tied to the merchant account as far as credit worthiness for the approval and the binding to the agreements are concerned.

    • Well thank you for the compliment! I just write from experience 🙂 Maybe the is the difference, they never actually try to use their solutions.

  2. Don’t forget Google Checkout. It’s a PayPal variant with slightly less flexibility (at least that ws the case a while ago).

    One plus – for a 501c3’s they waived all of their fees through 3/31/2009 and if you use their AdWords (as a 501c3) after 3/1 they will offset your fees going forward.


  3. […] Payment processing – Merchant account or PayPal? Building a … Each partner had to provide SSNs and agree to be bound by the terms of the credit extension for the to non-profits & standard. merchant account. If you have bad credit, or don’t have credit established yet, you can sto… […]

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