Create a user guide with WordPress & Jing for FREE!

July 8, 2009 at 2:01 pm | Posted in Sofware Startup | 2 Comments
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As my development team at MioWorks rounds the corner on a significant update, I thought it was important to have a user guide that explained the features and told the story of the MioWorks application.  I started looking into online help systems around the open source ecosystem.  It seemed that everything I found was either overly complex or required time from my development & system administration team.

As my frustration level grew I realized that WordPress was a solution I could use.   With I didn’t need technical help from my overloaded developer team.  I didn’t need any training since I already know the application from blogging.  And of course, the price is just right for a start-up company.

You may only think of as a blogging site.  But what you may not know is that you can create content pages in a hierarchy.    I decided to use content pages organized into chapters to mimic a user guide.  I started out by defining the top 5 “sections” of my guide.  I then added subsections to each of those to provide details on different features.  I quickly “stubbed” out the entire site and started to view it in different templates to see how it looked.  I found that using the “Freshly” theme with a custom header made for a nice looking user guide that closely resembled the color scheme of my application – a double bonus!  I applied the theme, uploaded my header and I was happy with the result.

The next step was to assign a domain name to the site.  I choose as the new URL for my wordpress site.  I followed the instructions provided by wordpress, adjusted a CNAME on my DNS records and then paid $9.97 for a year of domain forwarding to   The site was live and accessible from the URL.

Now it was time to start adding content.  I wanted to not only provide text descriptions but I also wanted to have accurate screen shots that were legible with call outs and numbering when needed.  The perfect tool for this task is  Jing by Techsmith. Jing runs on both Windows and Mac OS.  Jing not only allows you to capture a screen shot, it allows you to quickly annotate that screen shot and save it as a PNG file.   The process to capture a screen, annotate it, save it locally and then upload it to was very simple and fast.

The process of documenting the entire application took a few days but the end result is well worth the effort.  MIoWorks now has a complete user guide that will help existing clients take advantage of all the features inside the application.  It will help guide them on not only the purpose of a feature but includes examples of how those features can be used.  I really like the user guide because it will also serve as a learning tool for potential clients that want to see more before they decide to use our application. User Guide User Guide

How FREE can kill innovation & your startup

June 4, 2009 at 5:21 pm | Posted in Sofware Startup | 2 Comments
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A strange dynamic has taken hold on the internet.  Just as people expect sunshine and air to be free, they also expect internet based software applications to be free.  Ok, maybe not completely free… they agree someone should pay, just not them.  Damn you Google, damn you Yahoo! why did you do this to us?

With companies left and right offering full versions of their products for free,  users have been conditioned NOT to pay for anything.  This conditioning can be seen across everything from social media sites to messaging to business applications.  The problem with this as I see it is the negative impact on innovation.

Users think that they win by getting free software or services, but do they really?  If you ask me the only real winners in the free ecosystem are the investors behind well funded companies.  By locking down markets with free offerings companies can effectively prevent new entrants from emerging.  This stifles creativity and innovation.

In a meeting a few months back with a partner from Benchmark Capital, I found out that on average they see 3-5% conversion rates on FREE offerings within their investment portfolio.  For most of us this is rather daunting news.

Let’s do some quick mathematics.  Let’s say that you are getting started and you have 2 servers from Amazon Web Services (1 web server/app server and 1 db server). Your monthly cost is going to be around $200.  Let’s now assume that your multi-tenant application can handle 100 accounts on that server, simple math $2 per account cost.  Now you go out and offer your service FREE and you have some success.  Let’s say you sign up 1,000 free accounts.   You scale your costs linearly so you are now spending $2,000 a month to support those free accounts.

You get 5% to upgrade (eventually) to your paid account of say $20/month – at this rate, even with success it costs you $1,000/month just to keep the lights on. Now add to that your Google Adwords budget, your credit card processing fees and the dozen other bills you have each month and you find yourself quickly in the hole by several thousand dollars a month.

Now what happens if you get slash dotted or an article about you ends up on ReadWriteWeb?  Your monthly costs can zoom beyond your meager savings account, all without any real revenue in return or an endpoint in sight.  The end result of your short term success will be the failure of your start up because you ran out of money.

There is also another aspect of the “FREE” account that costs you time and money.  To support a layer of free accounts you have to write code to restrict or to compartmentalize your solution.  This takes your valuable development resources and shifts them from building killer technology to building layers of management so you can support the free users.

I just heard you shout…”But David, you must have a free version or no one will use your software!” I disagree my new friend.  If you look at the pricing page they don’t have a free model. Neither does Netsuite. These companies are in business to make money, not give away software.  I like this model and hope to see more and more start ups follow it.   At my start up project, we are holding to this model and offering a free trial to introduce users to our software.  I feel this is an acceptable compromise because it has a definite end period and you don’t have to over-provision your computing environment to support thousands of free accounts in perpetuity.

As for you users out there, don’t be shy to actually pay for something you like to use.  You don’t think twice about dropping hundreds on a camera but you won’t spend $20 a year to store and manage your photographs in an online application.

In the past year or so, Apple has shown us that users will actually pay if the paradigm is broken.   The Apple AppStore is a great example of how to break the cycle and get users to  pay for technologies.  As entrepreneurs we need to watch how this model is evolving and how we can capitalize on it to help fund our ideas and companies.

My last word of advice helps both the user and the start up.  Users, if there are vendors with products you just love but they are too expensive, then tell them.   Tell them the price point that would be of interest to you.  Tell them how to get your business.

The end result of spending money on products you like will be a wider variety of products with more and more innovation.  And who doesn’t like variety! Maybe Google.

Funding & revenue = chicken & egg

May 15, 2009 at 7:07 pm | Posted in Sofware Startup | 1 Comment
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Over the past quarter I have been investigating different types of financing that may be available for today’s technology entrepreneur.  I looked at this challenge from the perspective of a brand new software company ready with their first product and preparing to enter the marketplace.   Here is the summary of my research:

You are on your own until you are earning money.

I’m sure that this is no surprise, but many of the entrepreneurs I meet have their hopes set on raising an Angel round to get over the start up hump. Traditionally Angel investors believed in teams of people and their ideas.  They invested small amounts frequently and spread their risk over many opportunities.  This environment is changing.  Angels are congregating into groups and those groups are aggregating money and looking for the one big win.  According to several senior advisers I met during my research, the investment flow into pre-revenue companies has nearly stopped.

We all know that getting a business off the ground is expensive and time consuming.  It’s difficult to be a part time entrepreneur and being full time means you have $100k of your own money in the bank to pay the mortgage & expenses.  Unfortunately that’s not the case for most entrepreneurs.  So you have to be creative. You have to set your expectations properly and you have to do what it takes in the short run to get to the goal you set.

What are the alternatives you may ask?   I think that you have a couple choices.  If you already have a job, then you should keep that job to maintain an income.  You’ll spend your weekends and after work hours on your start up and you’ll build the business to a point where you can extract enough revenue to pay the bills.  You may also borrow money from friends and family to pay for the big start up expenses and marketing expenses so that you can turn the corner and build revenue.

The second option is to be a part time consultant while you are a part time entrepreneur.  This option seems more attractive, but in reality is very difficult.  As a consultant you have to go out and find business, and there may not be any business for the services your provide.  You also have to manage all the aspects of that business like marketing, time keeping, billing, etc. This puts you in the position where you are building two businesses.  Not impossible, but difficult for sure.

There is a bright side to all of this, ownership.  By going at it alone you and your team own 100% of your business.  You will retain control over the vision and direction of the company.

Thus, just like Joe the Plumber, Mike’s Pizza shop and Sally’s Beauty Salon, we as technology entrepreneurs are now forced to learn how to make it on our own.

Collaborative development – the power of beta testing

April 26, 2009 at 3:13 pm | Posted in Sofware Startup | Leave a comment
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Don’t underestimate the power of beta testing to a wide range of people. Consider it collaborative development. Open your software to a broad range of people inside and outside of your target market and you’ll be amazed at what you get back from them.

A perfect example is my current project We opened up for public beta testing a couple weeks ago. In that time we have been getting amazing feedback that has allowed us to direct our development resources to the must have features of a target set of users.

Now you can’t just run off and implement every feature that is throw at you by the beta group. But you can listen to them as a whole and look for trends and commonalities. For us, we knew that we needed to implement ways to improve data manipulation and the feedback gave us the exact path to take. As we complete the development and roll it out, we are extremely confident that this effort will be well received by our beta group.

So open yourself up to critique and criticism early in the process.  You may also want to adopt some not-so-traditional approaches by using social media.  We encourage our beta group to use Twitter to spout off feature needs and questions in real time – all they have to do is respond @Mioworks and we collect that data and use it in our analysis and product planning.

In the end, no matter how you do it, building software should be a collaborative process that takes into account your target market.

Portland Web Innovators – Demolicious April 1, 2009

April 3, 2009 at 4:38 pm | Posted in Sofware Startup | 2 Comments
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No it wasn’t an April fool joke.  The Portland Web Innovators really held their quarterly Demolicious meetup on April 1st.   It seemed that nearly 100 people gathered at gracious host Jive Software to see demonstrations of some of the latest projects here in Portland.

Kicking things off was Benjamin Stover & Jason Grlicky with I need to read this They sum up their application with a rather easy to remember phrase – bookmarks meet to do lists.  The problem they are solving revolves around the multitude of information that we read every day on the Internet.  Blog posts, articles, web pages – through out the course of the day we literally stumble upon too much material to read in the moment.  INTRT solves this problem by allowing you to single click a bookmarklet in your browsers bookmark toolbar.  That quick action will save a link to a post, article or information you found.  I just started using it and I find it very handy.

Next, I had the opportunity to present my current project The business problem that drove the development of MioWorks revolves around the challenges of synchronizing & collaborating with clients in the small business.  MioWorks is delivered as a SaaS application and provides a small business with several applications rolled into one.  The business gets an on-line contact manager or simplified CRM that centrally manages information and helps the team stay in sync.  On the other hand, MioWorks provides a customer portal where every contact in the CRM can now collaborate with the company in a one-on-one manner.  From asking questions to making requests and even downloading/uploading files.

Following me was Richard Fobes with Vote Fair Ranking The problem being solved by VoteFairRanking is related to surveys, polls and voting.  According to Richard, VoteFairRanking analyzes not just the top choice but the second, third fourth choices.  This allows VoteFairRanking to provide a better picture of not only the top preference but also second, third, fourth and so on.

Next up was Sam Grover who introduced Avatari, an application that allows you to quickly change your avatar on Friendfeed and Twitter.  Sam started the project as a way to learn how to write a Cocoa application.  Sam would like to extend the application to other services like Facebook but he must wait until they publish an API to allow his application to communicate with it.

Lastly Jason Glaspey gave us a demonstration of BlackTonic App.  The problem being solved by BlackTonic is the ability to remotely present to a client and control the pace of the presentation.  They are focusing their efforts on the vertical they know best – creatives and designers.   We have all used the cumbersome web presentation software in the market today and it looks like the BlackTonic team has found some secret sauce.  The presenter can control the presentation via the web and it doesn’t require any software download or installations for the remote users.  As a matter of fact the remote users can be on desktops, laptops or even iPhones.  All the remote screen change at the same time and screen size is automatically adjusted.  It’s a slick application.  The guys from Blacktonic have left the demo up for a few more days so you can see it.  Go quickly or it will be gone!

If you are interested in how to join Portland Web Innovators visit the web site or look for the next meeting on Upcoming.  You can also look for #PDXWI on Twitter.

Monitoring applications in the cloud

March 10, 2009 at 3:22 am | Posted in cloud computing, Software as a Service, Sofware Startup | 3 Comments
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Cloud computing is a rather powerful tool that allows even the smallest of businesses to provide an enterprise class environment for web applications.  In a nutshell, the cloud is nothing more than the ability to rent computer services on demand from a 3rd party provider.  At we use Amazon Web Services, but there are several other services out there for you to explore.

Mastering the cloud takes a bit of work, a dash of experience and an openness to learn from others.  But once you do master it, the benefits are tremendous.  You’ll never have to order another server or rent a rack in a data center.  You’ll be able to fluidly control your environment by increasing and decreasing the services you need on the fly, saving time and money.

This power, flexibility and potential demands that you pay attention to the details.  You must anticipate that the cloud can have hiccups and that as quickly as a server comes to life, that server can disappear.  In previous blog posts I’ve already talked about the importance of backups and recovery drills, but let’s take a step back.  Today let’s talk about monitoring and how important it is to your survival.

Ok I’ll bite, why is monitoring so important

Let me sum this up in a single sentence: Monitoring can be the difference between “whew that was close” and “holy s$%t we are down”.  I lied –  I need another sentence…  Monitoring can also be the difference between a five minute outage and a five hour outage.

What to monitor

Every web based application environment in the cloud is a jigsaw puzzle of pieces.  At the core you have your virtual hardware followed by your operating system.  Each of your servers is then configured differently depending on its specific duty.  You may have application servers, web servers, search servers, database servers and the list goes on.  Each of these servers needs to be monitored from several points of view – both internally and externally.

Internal Monitoring

The big question isn’t “Is the server running?” it should be “Is the server and all of its pieces running correctly? Each virtual server in your setup is a maze of processes, files, directories and file systems.  At any given time a hiccup can occur within this delicate environment that will eventually disrupt the end user’s ability to use your service.   In our environment we use monit and munin (two open source tools) on the inside to provide us with critical monitoring, recovery & trending capabilities.

Monit provides systems monitoring and error recovery for our Unix systems.  In our environment at we have configured monit to watch dozens of potential failure points.   Monit can start a process if it is not running and can kill/restart a process if it takes too many resources. Monit is also configurable as an intrusion detection system by watching for changes in files, directories and file systems.  By spending a little time learning and using Monit your system administrator has a great tool to keep a constant eye on all the pieces of the puzzle.

In addition to the direct monitoring and error recovery system, we also like to see the bigger picture.  We use Munin to aggregate information across our server pool.  Munin provides a graphical view that allows your team to quickly see what’s different from yesterday.   You can quickly determine your resource utlization and plan in ADVANCE any increase of capacity.

From the outside

Keeping track of all the pieces inside the cloud is very important, but you also need to know how your environment in the cloud is performing to the outside world.  There are more external monitoring services out there than I can count.  But I’ll tell you who we use.  Our favorite at the moment is  We like them because starting at just $10/month you get on demand fault & performance monitoring for your environment. This external watchdog system helps to keep everyone informed if/when the cloud is having issues.  It also provides us with important statistics on response time and application performance that we use to determine how to adjust our infrastructure.

Continuous improvement

Your monitoring program must become a living, breathing element of your systems administration.  As new problems arise or potential problems are identified, the monitoring system must be adjusted to be proactive.   The good news is that the more you adjust your monitoring and error recovery system, the less you’ll be surprised in the future.  It takes discipline to post mortem each problem and determine how to proactively detect for it in the future.  And this discipline will distinguish your application in the frenzy of the cloud.

Real world results of a good monitoring program

In the real world your monitoring system can be the difference between keeping your systems alive and thriving OR having unhappy customers and missed SLAs. It can help you pinpoint exactly what went wrong and reduce the time it takes for the first responders to identify and solve the issue.  There are lots of solutions in the marketplace including commerical  and open source alternatives.  It may seem overwhelming at first, but once you start the process and improve little by little, you’ll be amazed at the positive impact your monitoring program will have on your environment stability and your ability to get some sleep.

MioWorks opens to private preview

February 20, 2009 at 4:06 pm | Posted in Sofware Startup | Leave a comment
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The application is now alive and kicking.  MioWorks is a hosted application that allows you to manage your contact information, perform simple CRM activities like saving notes and scheduling followups as well as a bi-directional interaction with your contacts.  MioWorks makes it simple to share files with contacts or allow contacts to upload files for you.  It even allows contacts to ask questions and make requests.

We opened up to a private preview yesterday and invited the attendees of Ignite Portland 5 to be our first participants.   If you have an invitation card you will find a code on the back that will allow you into the application.  If you don’t have a card, you can use the code miopreview to gain access to the application.

This preview period is all about your opinion.  So take a few moments and tour the application.  You’ll receive an email after you signup that will give you a chance to provide us direct feedback.

Thanks for the help and we look forward to launching as a production solution very soon.

Telling your story – Episode 2

February 16, 2009 at 10:24 pm | Posted in Software as a Service, Sofware Startup | Leave a comment
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The second installment on telling your story is going to focus on the value proposition.  This is the foundation for your entire story.  Your value proposition is a single sentence that explains your solution to your target audience in terms that matter to THEM.  If you have several target audiences with different characteristics, you may have several value propositions.

How to create a value proposition may be on your mind.  In my opinion it all starts with the list of benefits to the target market that I asked you create in episode 1.  Take this list and look it over through the eyes of someone in your target market.  Circle the benefits that provide the most value or solve the biggest problem.  Look for things that save money, increase productivity or help a company grow their business.

Hopefully this brief exercise has resulted in a half dozen or so key phrases that explain your value.  Your next step is to then look at each phrase and determine what the value is to the CUSTOMER.  Then once you understand the value, rank its importance relative to the other phrases.  This should help you bubble up the top 2 or 3 words that will best explain your solution to your prospective customers.

Now that you have your building materials you can start to craft a sentence from it.   I like to use the format similar to:  [solution] provides [value] for [audience] that [value].  Now there are a million iterations on this and more opinions than there are trees in this world. So before anyone gets beat up, let me explain why I think that this makes a good value proposition.  For me, the goal of the value proposition is start a conversation.  It is not to answer all the questions or be a magical sentence that opens wallets.  It’s the tip of the iceberg in the selling process.  Without a compelling value proposition, you don’t get the opportunity to continue.  With a decent to great value proposition your chances of continued dialog are much better.  And with continued dialog you get to tell more and more about your story.

Let me help you with an example.  The team has recently completed an initial round of messaging.  During our exercise to explain the solution we came up with key phrases including: customer interaction, streamlined communications, increased productivity, customer satisfaction and business management.

Our ranking put the terms in this order:  customer interactions, customer satisfaction, increased productivity and streamlined communications. We dropped business management because we did not feel the phrase had a tangible value associated to it.   We then used these building blocks to create out value proposition targeted towards the small business owner: connects you to your customers to increase customer satisfaction and improve company productivity.

You may be thinking to yourself?  Really David?  Is that a true value proposition?  Is that what I’m after.  In the case of this is what we were after based upon our goals.  We want our value proposition to whet the appetite and encourage a business owner to read the next paragraph.  Our value proposition is short and sweet.  It allows us to use it on headline and news articles.  It doesn’t allow the reader to answer all their burning questions without investing a little more time.   As we continue to trial our message, if this simple phrase encourages the audience to read one more paragraph, click on a link or think twice then we have been successful.  But we will also be aware that this value proposition may suck eggs.  We won’t know until we ask real people in our target market.  Over the next few weeks we’ll be doing just that and I’ll follow up with a post to share with you the results.  But for now – we’ll be using this value proposition.

I share this line of thinking with you as an alternative to what you may have read or been told about value propositions.  I personally don’t’ think that a value proposition is the end all to great selling.  But I do feel its the “hello” you desperately need when making a first impression.  If you spend hours and hours trying to craft the perfect value proposition based upon a list or rules that someone posted to some web site, you’ll be wasting your time.  What I do suggest is that you go ahead and take a shot at writing your own value proposition.  Take that single sentence and show it to people in your target market. Ask them what they think about it.  Ask them if it makes them curious.  Ask them if it turns them off.

In episoe 3, I’ll return to explain how to bring it all together with a strucutre that can help you complete your messaging and be on your way to telling your story.

Top 10 legal related mistakes startups make

February 11, 2009 at 7:23 am | Posted in Software as a Service, Sofware Startup | 4 Comments
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Today I ventured out to Beaverton to attend a lunch and learn sponsored by OTBC.  The topic of the discussion was “Top Ten Legal-Related Mistakes Startups Make”.  The talk was presented by attorney Jon Summers of the firm White & Lee.   Now before I summarize the talk for you please remember that this information is for your consideration.  I make no claim that I am an attorney, CPA or any authority what soever that you should follow direction from.   This is just my understanding of what was presented today.  For complete and accurate details and advice, please consult your own legal counsel and CPA.

OK, so now that I’ve made it clear that I’m just the messenger let’s talk about the lunch. This was my first OTBC lunch and learn and it was definitely worth my time.  The presenter was well organized and extremely knowledgeable about the subject.  He even took questions during the presentation and tried to answer each and every one of them.  Jon spent nearly an hour discussing the ins and outs of organizing tech startups to avoid legal pitfalls.  At the end of the presentation he wrapped it up with his David Letterman style top 10 list.  Since most is covered in the summary, let’s dive into Jon’s option on the top 10 mistakes that startups make.

10 – Missing the 83(b) election deadline

When it comes to stock and stock options, the IRS rules are long and confusing.  This is yet another one of those loop holes that if you miss you’ll pay dearly for.  This applies to the purchase of restricted stock or the early purchase of stock options by employees.  The net of the 83(b) is that when you make this election you are telling the IRS that you elect to take the income difference between the purchase price of  your shares and their fair market value.  Typically this is a net zero election that does not result in an income event.   But if you don’t take the election, you will be paying the IRS taxes on the difference between the strike price of the stock and fair market value of the stock EVERY time you vest.  OUCH.  The time frame is 30 days from the time you purchase your stock.  So….if you don’t get all of this stock mumbo jumbo…consult an accountant or an attorney to make sure you file your IRS 83(b) election in time.

9 – Selling stock to non-accredited investors

There are two types of investors in this world according to the SEC.  Accredited and non-accredited.   An accredited investor (person) is one that has over a million dollars in assets or earns over $200k a year individually or over $300k jointly with a spouse.  Everyone else is considered a non-accredited investor.  The rules for selling stock to the non-accredited investor is significantly more strenuous and can have negative ramifications when it comes to any potential liquidity event (ie sale of your company).  Jon’s advice…just don’t sell stock to non-accredited investors, period.

8 – Forming the business entity as an S Corp or LLC

Number 8 on his list brought up some discussion with the group and a little controversy.  Jon stuck to his guns and said that in most cases he recommends a C Corporation.  The basis for his recommendation is that fact that professional investors demand C Corporation status before they will invest.  He went on to say that the main reason is that with an LLC the profits of the company are passed back to the partners of the LLC and that has cash flow implications.  Another approach that was discussed was to start with an LLC and then prior to taking any type of capital investment, the company may switch to a C Corporation.

7 – Failing to register the stock option plan with the State of Oregon

The State of Oregon requires that stock option plans that meet certain criteria be registered.  Jon said that this was probably the single most common mistake found among the startups he works with.  So if you have a stock option plan, find out if you are subject to the registration requirements before you find yourself with a steep fine or worse yet a roadblock to a funding or liquidity event.

6 – Waiting too long to form the business entity

Jon made it clear to the audience that the first thing you should do is create your business entity.  His rule of thumb was that whenever a business had two or more people, is creating intellectual property or is transacting business with others – they should have a business entity established.  The main reason is for protection of the business.  Once an entity is formed then there is liability protection for the principals, there is a place to park the intellectual property, there is investor appeal, survivor-ship upon death and business can be transacted more easily including contracts and employees.

5 – Failing to vest founders stock

The vesting of founders stock was an interesting recommendation that I really never paid much mind too.  But after Jon explained a few scenarios where founders decided to leave the company after a short tenure, it sure made sense.  Imagine if you and your friend started a company and split the stock 50/50.  After a year your friend decided to go off an pursue a different idea.  If you granted the founder shares on day 1, half of your shares would be walking out the door no longer providing value to the company.  If you vest the founders shares say over 4 years, then the company would get at least four years of value from the founder or have the option to recover some of that stock if the founder decided to leave.

4 – Bringing in tainted people

Hiring was an interesting topic during the conversation.  The discussion revealed an important piece of advice for each of us running a company.  Jon’s advice was to make sure that we get a copy of every potential employees non-compete/non-disclosure agreement PRIOR to making them an offer.  He said that the burden is upon the hiring company to make sure that they aren’t hiring tainted employees (ones that may be subject to non-compete or non-disclosure agreements).  When the audience was surveyed no-one had either asked for or given a copy of prior agreements.  I guess this is something we all learned.

3 – Disclosing information without a sufficient Non Disclosure Agreement

Although the risk of someone running off with your business idea after a presentation is small, it is still there.  A simple NDA can ensure that this won’t happen.  Jon said that small companies are usually at the will of the bigger companies when it comes to the legal forms.  He did offer the advice that before we sign a “standard” agreement from another company we look out for what he called dangerous terms.  These include residual clauses, independent discovery clauses, non-solicitation or other restrictive provisions as well as short lived terms.  By watching out and preventing these elements from slipping into NDAs you’ll be better protected.

2 – Missing the non-compete window

In Oregon the window of opportunity to have an employee sign a non-compete agreement is very limited.  As a matter of fact there are only two times where an employer can get an employee to legally sign a non-compete agreement.  The first opportunity is prior to hiring of a new employee.  There is a two week waiting period from the time the new employee is alerted to the requirement of the non-compete to the time that they can sign it and join the company.  The second opportunity is when there is a significant promotion of an employee.  As the discussion continued and Jon explained how non-solicitation agreements really work, this is one of those areas you really need to pay attention to.  There are several restrictions of what makes a non-solicitation (non-compete) agreement enforceable.  And there may even be compensation required on the part of the company enforcing the Non Compete.  So when you are ready to head out to your next gig and your employer tries to force you to sign a non-compete on the way out the door, you can rest easy that it won’t be enforcable in Oregon.

1 – Waiting for funding to fix problems

As Jon wrapped up the talk he finished his top ten list with the most obvious mistake that startups make.  He said that too many times startups will allow problems to compound themselves with the hopes that it all will get figured out AFTER funding.  Well there is a fundamental problem with this line of thinking.  Unless there is a magic wand, companies who have not paid attention to legal issues up front will never be getting that funding they were hoping for.  The only course of action for a company is to correct all of the problems before they can finalize funding and this can mean months of delays, expensive penalties and missed opportunity to close the finance deal.

My thanks to Jon for providing us with the information at the lunch and learn and thanks to OTBC for organizing. Much of the content in the article above comes directly from Jon’s talk, so I attribute this article to him.  Finally a bit of promo since we were able to absorb some free advice…..If you are in the Portland area and need legal assistance with your startup entity formation, stock plans or IP protection, give Jon Summers a call at White and Lee.

A lesson from ma.gnolia

February 7, 2009 at 5:03 pm | Posted in cloud computing, Software as a Service, Sofware Startup | 1 Comment
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As the veil of silence surrounds the catastrophic data loss at ma.gnolia it gives us all a time to think about our approach to protecting our users & customers.  In the Internet arena, there are dozens of moving parts that no single company has complete control over.  There are hosting providers with power sources, data stores, network routers and firewalls, there are backbone providers, there are big switches in the sky, there are pipes under the sea, there are gremlins on treadmills, well you get the idea – the list goes on an on.  And if there weren’t enough variables already, we throw in cloud computing with its instant on, instant off dual personality.

With all of these moving parts and potential for disaster, it is a tremendous feat that more catastrophic data loss doesn’t occur.  Maybe it’s luck or maybe many companies are doing it right.  This failure at ma.gnolia is a reminder that as providers of Internet based services it is our burden to minimize the impact of failures or we shouldn’t be in business.

Since I am proponent of cloud computing, I want to focus on backups in the cloud for this article.  The cloud is a tricky monster.  It is ephemeral and unrelenting when it has a hiccup.  But the power of cloud computing is too tempting not to leverage it.  The fact that we can launch server after server for a dime an hour is down right amazing.  Small companies like don’t have to raise a million dollars just to get started.  We can create an account at Amazon Web Services and within an hour have a full data center up and operational for next to nothing.  But when you choose to use the cloud for your solution, you must be diligent in the way that you handle your applications and your data.  Simple backups are not enough anymore.  And testing must be done on a frequent basis.

I have to admit that I have come close to the brink of disaster with cloud computing  but through a stroke of luck was able to recover.  The scenario that bit us started out with outages at’s web services.  Due to automated shut downs of servers we lost our database.  Poof it was gone in an instant.  All the alerts and alarms went off and our recovery procedures kicked into action.  We all thought it would be ten minutes until the blip was over and operations would be back to normal.  Well that wasn’t the case.  During the restore we found out that one of our system administrators made a few changes to “improve” things.   According to the change logs, he successfully completed the backup solution, it was testing and working properly.  But when the catastrophic failure occurred the primary backup system didn’t restore the database image as planned.  Instead we had to take a different route to replay every single transaction that had occurred with our production database since it was created.

We were lucky that we had this data squirreled away in a cloud data store as a backup to our backup.  Yes it cost a hundred bucks a month to maintain this archive but it was well worth it.  The end result was a return to normal service for our customers, but unfortunately for some of them it was only after a three day outage. Ouch.

My error as the leader of the brigade was that I didn’t demand a full scale test of the disaster recovery on an ongoing basis.  As I ponder the entire episode it’s one of those moments when you say to yourself “you know better”.  Yet, it still went untested and unproven until it was exercised and failed.

So my advice for everyone who uses cloud computing.  Don’t go running scared and return to buying servers and disc arrays.  Spend an few extra weeks and a few extra dollars on disaster recovery planning, implementation and testing.  Implement competing backup solutions so that you have backup to your backup.  Go ahead and get fancy with your up to the minute on the fly backup scheme, but also implement the daily/hourly workhorse backup.   Make sure that your team has the backup and the restore fully figured out, and make them prove it to you. Don’t take their word for it. I’m SERIOUS here.  I know we all like to trust our techies, but sometimes they do make mistakes.

So, physically terminate the servers on them and watch them go to work. Or the friendlier approach is to have them launch a new set of servers in the cloud and replicate the environment from backups.  Have them do this on a bi-weekly basis.  They will get good at recovering the system and in the event it happens for real it won’t be a scramble.  With this extra workload the team may be unhappy at first, but it’s much better than suffering a fate like ma.gnolia.

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