TechStars make available their seed funding documents

February 10, 2009 at 6:39 am | Posted in Software as a Service, Sofware Startup | Leave a comment
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A bit of interesting news from startup land.  The tech incubator TechStars has released a set of documents to be used as a model for early stage startup companies.  These documents include articles of incorporation, bylaws, subscription agreement, election consent and even a sample term sheet.  

If all of these document titles are greek to you, then go visit the TechStars site where you can download them and get your legal groovy on.  I do recommend that those thinking about venture funding should download these documents and actually read them.  It will give you great insight into what will be required once you sign on the dotted line.   A big thanks to the team over at TechStars for making these documents available and helping to reduce the cloud of uncertainty around venture funding. 

As a side note, TechStars is taking applications for their Summer 2009 funding round.  The summary is that TechStars picks a small number of projects to help get off the ground.  They fund up to $6,000 per founder up to a maximum of 3 for a total seed round of $18,000.  Take a look at their application and read about how they help companies get off the ground.

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